Monday, July 14, 2008

Workouts in Action

The Drop a Jeans Size Workout
These exercises will burn fat, tone muscle, and boost your metabolism. Challenge your body by combining strength and cardio exercises, and you'll be struttin' in your skinny jeans in no time.

What you'll need: A pair of 5- to 8-pound dumbbells, a chair or bench and a mat, a jump rope (optional), a stopwatch or a clock with a second hand.

How often: Complete this routine 3 times a week but not on back-to-back days; you need time to recover. The entire workout takes about 40 minutes. Two or three days a week, do whatever form of cardio you want-- walking, running, swimming, cycling-- for about 45 minutes at an intensity that is sustainable but leaves you somewhat breathless.

Now put on your favorite music and get burning!!!

Combo 1: Jump Rope/Row

Cardio: Jump rope (rope is optional)

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides, holding rope (real or imaginary) with elbows slightly bent. Jump in place, keeping heels close to floor as you turn the rope.

Strength: Row (targets upper back)

Stand holding both weights in right hand, arm at side with palm facing body; place left foot forward. Hinge forward 45 degrees from hips, resting left hand on left thigh. Draw weights to ribs, keeping elbow close to side; lower weights and repeat. For the second set, switch sides. For the third, keep feet aligned and use both arms, one weight in each hand.

Make it easier: Use just one weight for the one-arm rows.

Put it together:

Jump rope: 90 seconds
Right-arm row: 30 seconds

Jump rope: 60 seconds
Left-arm row: 30 seconds

Jump rope: 30 seconds
Two-arm row: 60 seconds

Combo 2: Weighted Jumping Jack/Push-Up

Cardio: Weighted Jumping Jack

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with elbows bent and hands near shoulders. Jump feet out while bringing arms overhead without locking elbows; jump feet back together while bringing hands back to shoulder level.

Make it easier: Don't use weights.

Strength: Push-Up (targets chest, arms, core)

Get into a full push-up position, legs extended behind you with abs tight and head in line with heels. Bend elbows 90 degrees out to sides, lowering chest to floor; push back up to start and repeat.

Make it easier: Do push-ups on your knees.

Put it together:

Weighted jumping jack: 90 seconds
Push-up: 30 seconds

Weighted jumping jack: 60 seconds
Push-up: 30 seconds

Weighted jumping jack: 30 seconds
Push-up: 30 seconds

Combo 3: Side Skater/Triceps Dip

Cardio: Side Skater

Stand with feet just wider than shoulder-width apart. Hop to right, bending knees to reach left hand in front of right foot as you cross left leg behind you. Quickly hop 3 feet to left; reach right hand in front of left foot, crossing right leg behind you. Continue side to side.

Make it easier: Keep hands by waist. (Don't reach for floor.)

Strength: Triceps Dip (targets triceps)

Sit on bench or chair, hands on seat, fingers facing forward. Lift butt and slide forward, then lift left foot off floor. Bend elbows 90 degrees behind you, lowering hips. Straighten arms; repeat. For second set, lift right foot; for third, keep both feet down.

Make it easier: Keep both feet on floor throughout.

Put it together:

Side skater: 90 seconds
Triceps dip: 30 seconds (left leg lifted)

Side skater: 60 seconds
Triceps dip: 30 seconds (right leg lifted)

Side skater: 30 seconds
Triceps dip: 30 seconds

Combo 4: Shoot the Basket/Balancing Biceps Curl

Cardio: Shoot the Basket

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge back with left foot, bending both knees and lowering hands toward floor (keep head above heart to avoid dizziness). Jump up and extend arms forward, as if shooting a basketball. Lower hands and repeat. For second set, switch legs. For third, do squat jumps (squat down, then jump up), continuing for 30 seconds.

Make it easier: Bring hands down to thighs; don't jump.

Strength: Balancing Biceps Curl (targets biceps, core)

Stand with feet together, right hand on hip, holding both weights in left hand. Lift right foot off floor in front of you. Bring left elbow next to hip, angled slightly out to side. Curl weights toward shoulder, then lower, keeping elbow pressed into side throughout. For second set, switch arms and legs. For third set, hold a weight in each hand and stand with legs slightly bent.

Make it easier: Keep both feet on floor throughout.

Put it together:

Shoot the basket: 60 seconds (left leg back)
Balancing biceps curl: 30 seconds (balance on left leg)

Shoot the basket: 60 seconds (right leg back)
Balancing biceps curl: 30 Seconds (balance on right leg)

Squat jump: 30 seconds
Biceps curl: 30 seconds (use both arms)

Combo 5: Mountain Climber/Bicycle

Cardio: Mountain Climber

Get on floor in a full push-up position, legs extended behind you with abs tight and head in line with heels. Bring right knee forward into chest, tapping right foot to floor, then switch legs, bringing left knee forward and right leg back while keeping hands in place. Continue, moving as quickly as possible, keeping hips down throughout.

Strength: Bicycle (targets obliques)

Lie faceup on floor with legs extended and hands behind head, elbows out to sides. Bring right knee toward chest and lift head, neck and shoulders off floor, bringing left shoulder toward right knee. Hold here for 1 count, then switch sides, bringing left knee toward chest and right shoulder toward left knee while extending right leg. Repeat, speeding up move.

Put it together:

Mountain climber: 90 seconds
Bicycle: 30 seconds

Mountain climber: 60 seconds
Bicycle: 60 seconds

Mountain climber: 30 seconds
Bicycle: 90 seconds

Combo 6: Reverse Lunge and Kick/Plank

Cardio: Reverse Lunge and Kick

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge back with left foot, bending knees 90 degrees. Keep right knee aligned with right ankle; touch floor. As you stand up, kick left leg to hip height. Lunge back and repeat. For second set, lunge back with right leg. For third set, alternate legs.

Make it easier: Don't touch floor as you lunge.

Strength: Side Plank/Full Plank (targets core)

Lie on right side with elbow on floor under right shoulder, legs extended and hips stacked. Lift hips off floor, keeping head in line with heels. Hold for 30 seconds. For second set, repeat on left side. For third set, stay in a full plank position, facedown with forearms on floor and elbows aligned under shoulders (not shown).

Put it together:

Reverse lunge/kick: 60 seconds (right leg)
Side plank: 30 seconds (left side)

Reverse lunge/kick: 60 seconds (left leg)
Side plank: 30 seconds (right side)

Reverse lunge/kick: 90 seconds alternating legs)
Full plank: 60 seconds

Plan by trainer Kristi Molinaro, creator of the 30/60/90 workout at Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York City.
Published by Fitness Magazine Aug/08


Lizzie M. said...

I definitely need this one!

Beks said...

Umm. I could do this workout all day and still never look like the model at the top. Maybe that's because I have midget legs.

Anonymous said... I just did this. Mind you my timing was off and I only ended up working out for 30 mins. But my body is officially rubber...the chick in the pics make it look way to easy. Pretty sure I just sweatted (spelling??) out about 10lbs. (sorry Bekah I know that was too much info). Thanks for the workout Nicole!!


TheFitnessFreak said...

Oh yeah! I'm glad you liked it:)

Farrah said...

Um, for me to drop into the jean size of that first lady, I'd have to grow like two feet and then maybe my stubby little legs would stretch so much that I wouldn't need the workout:) See, that's the real secret!


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