I don't know if I mentioned this lately, but I love hemp protein powder! When I started my raw, organic, vegan adventure I was a bit hesitant because I didn't know if I could get enough protein in a raw diet. That was before I found hemp protein powder. This amazing plant is a protein powerhouse!
I love the product made by Nutiva because it has 11 grams of protein and 14 grams of fiber per serving. Hemp protein powder is a raw, certified organic food that contains 37% protein, 43% fiber, no net carbs. It also comes with the benefit of 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll, vitamin E and iron. Overall this to me is a superfood. In all of my supplement research before I was never forced to consider a plant based protein source but I'm glad I was!
For thyroid disease patients like me, soy is out! Hemp can be used raw whereas soy protein requires high heating or fermentation to destroy various anti-nutritional qualities like phytic acids. Soy protein isolate is usually not considered organic because it is often processed with hexane, a petroleum solvent similar to gasoline, yuck. On top of that, soy crops are heavily sprayed with herbicides, which can be applied ten or more times in a season. In my opinion soy should not be consumed by humans in general. Of course, this bias comes from my thyroid disease studies and should not be taken as medical advice:)
The only issue some may have with hemp protein powder is it's "earthy" taste. I have come to love it because I feel so much better drinking it. I am one of those crazy people that enjoys physically feeling like what I'm eating/drinking is energizing and strengthening my body. This product so does that! It may be green and gritty but mixed with your favorite milk and some fruit it is delicious!
I hope you all go out and get some hemp protein powder because you will feel so good using it. Try it! Let me know what you think:}~
Can I just have the hemp on its own? :)(Just kidding)
I drink 3 protein shakes each day, and ONLY using Living Harvest hemp protein powder (and hempmilk) when doing so. LOVE THIS POST!!! :-)
**Just as a heads up: I will not be able to comment on blogs as often now, during this semester, due to work overload (I'm stressed already) - PLEASE know that I'm still loyally reading, but just won't have time to comment. I hope you understand!!
I am soo ordering this too:)
I just made a loaf of vegan bread with hemp protein powder in my bread machine. It tastes much like whole wheat bread and sort of like rye bread. It's not raw, but it's another way to use the stuff!
That's a good idea! I can probably sneak it in the bread I make for my boys : ) Thanks for the tip and thanks for reading!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Thanks Anonymous!
Thanks for sharing. Do you know if you should drink hemp in the evening? Somethings keeping me awak. Wondering if its hemp energy.
How much should I take? Can you take to much? I'm sprinkling on salads and in soups.
I only use it in my smoothies but sprinkle the hempseeds on my salads. You can use as much as you like. There is not a risk of overuse as your body will just get rid of what it doesn't need.
Another thing I've found is that hemp protein powder usually has a lot of iron (which I want to absorb!) so I don't add any type of calcium-fortified milk to my smoothies, because they calcium does not allow for the iron to sufficiently absorb.
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