Saturday, January 17, 2009

Outdoor Exercise

Well I decided to get outside and enjoy CA's beautiful weather. It has been around 80 degrees here for a couple of weeks so my husband decided we should exercise outside. Good idea, in theory. To tell you the truth my boys did better than I did. I now know that proper fuel is a big deal if you want your body to respond well to your workout. I highly suggest a breakfast with protein and good carbs before attempting a 2-hour hike. I would also suggest you not eat just an apple, take it from me:) Here is a picture I took from the top of the mountain and one with me and my youngest son at the top. Enjoy!

I hope you all get a chance to get outside for your workout soon, you'll love the change of pace!


Farrah said...

Those boys rock! Seriously, I bet if we tried that, half way up Lu would get bored and want to be carried. Not that she doesn't have the strength and energy. She just lacks the focus at times:)

As for the hubby, I'd probably be carrying him. He's such a baby! "I don't WA-NN-U MOVE!"

Lizzie M. said...

I can not wait to get out there!!!!!!! Please take us there!


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