Thursday, February 12, 2009

Workouts in Review- ChaLEAN Extreme Review (update)

Well, I've been working out with Chalene Johnson for about 30 days now and I have to say the changes are great! Chalene is really fun to workout with and I like the set up of the workouts. One change I would advise for anyone who wants to purchase the system, do abs on your weight days. The way it is written in the manual has you doing abs only one day a week and that is NOT enough. Other than that the rotation works perfectly for me.The first month focused on lifting as much weight as you can so that you are at failure by your 10th to 12th rep. 

Here is a sample of weeks 1-4 from the Burn Phase:

Monday: Burn Circuit 1 (weights) + Ab Burner- 48 minutes
Tuesday: Rest (I do yoga)
Wednesday: Burn Circuit 2 (weights) + Ab Burner- 47 minutes
Thursday: Burn Intervals- 40 minutes 
Friday: Burn Circuit 3 (weights) + Ab Burner- 47 minutes
Saturday: Burn It Off & Recharge- 45 minutes
Sunday: Rest

I purchased the Deluxe Kit which includes alternate workouts for Burn Intervals and Burn It Off. I like variety so this has turned out to be a good investment. I usually rotate them every other week.

Okay the real reason you're reading this,
Here are the stats:

Waist: - 1-1/2"
Hips: - 1-1/4"
Chest: - 1" (in a good way)
Thighs: - 1/2"
Weight: - 5 lbs.

I was actually surprised that my weight went down with all of the extra leg work that is in the first month, but I'll take it:) For someone who works out every day, I was happy with the inches lost. This month the focus is on lifting heavy so I'm anxious to see new changes.

Check back in 30 days for new stats!

Click here to get yours today!
Click here to get your printable worksheets.


Anonymous said...

ah love the review! i was just looking up reviews on google. How do you feel about this compared to p90x? which do you like better? ah too confused!

Farrah said...

Everyone cares so much about the weight loss that they often forget how nice it is to replace fat weight for muscle weight. It's just as awesome to take off inches and tone our bodies. That's where real health lies. If we could all stay in our healthy weight range and put on muscle, we'd be good. I've always weighed more because of my muscle and I'm learning to appreciate it now.

TheFitnessFreak said...

I did like P90X but I think CX is more geared toward women in it's presentation. Tony's great and I like Chalene even more. I think they are both great programs but CX is less monotonous. I am not bored with these workouts at all and it's been 40 days. I am noticing quite a change in my muscle definition which is cool:)

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Great progress!!

Lizzie M. said...

Can't wait to try it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the review, I have been doing the Ripped series with Jari Love, but was looking to mix it up a little!


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